Are You Rooting For These Potential Vampire Diaries Couples?

Nov 11 2010 - 5:30pm

The love on The Vampire Diaries [1] is sort of all over the place right now. Central couple Elena and Stefan are currently off due to Katherine's manipulations, and Damon is in love with Elena but not ready to pursue her. But all romantic hope is not lost; the writers seem to be planting seeds for new couples to emerge. Check out a few pairings I've sensed some heat between, and tell me if you'd like to see them get together!

Katherine and Stefan

Now that Stefan has lost Elena, he's a free man. He's also dabbling in drinking human blood, which we know can turn him into Bad Stefan if he goes overboard. That could potentially open the doors for a reunion with Katherine, who's still in love with him. Would you be interested in seeing these exes back together?

Elena and Damon

Damon recently confessed his love to Elena, but her heart still belongs to Stefan . . . or does it? A lot of us fans [2] are pulling for Elena to switch to the bad boy Salvatore brother — are you?

Caroline and Stefan

Stefan has been tenderly guiding Caroline in her new life as a vampire, and now that he's not with Elena, he's free to date. In fact, it would make sense for him to be with a fellow vampire. Could you picture it?

Bonnie and Jeremy

Bonnie and Jeremy have been getting close lately, and I've been sensing more than a platonic bond as Jeremy has been helping Bonnie with her spells. Would you be happy to have them get together?

Caroline and Tyler

Caroline knows Tyler's werewolf secret, and he knows her vampire secret, which is sure to make them closer. But will we get to see a cross-species relationship? I'd love it; would you?

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