Beauty Mistakes to Avoid Before Meeting the Parents For the First Time

Mar 1 2016 - 10:15am

Not to toot my own horn, but I have mastered the art of meeting the parents. You see, I grew up an only child [1], surrounded by adults. I only spent time with other children at school and thus quickly learned how to schmooze (and win over) even the most disapproving and austere of uncles, family friends, and teachers.

Little did I know that this life skill would serve me well once I entered the dating scene [2]. Armed with a charming smile covered in a mother-approved shade of mauve (Bobbi Brown's Creamy Lip Color in Italian Rose [3], if you're curious), I survived — nay, conquered — the third degree. A few moms ended up liking me more than their sons did, as they kept in touch long after the relationship had ended. But being a conversationalist is not crucial to being a pro with parents. It's all about looking the part.

I understand why you might be nervous about this big meeting — it could potentially make or break your partnership — but there's no need to stress. Above all, you need to remember that confidence is key. An aggressive mom can sniff out weakness like a shark can sense blood. And we all know that an essential component of courage is style. Once you've picked out the perfect outfit to meet the family [4], it's time to select the ideal beauty products for the occasion. Not sure whether nail art is appropriate? Nervous they won't like your signature scent? I've got you covered. I guarantee that, if you follow these tips, your honey's parents will find you as enchanting, pretty, and wonderful as he or she does!

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