These Hilarious Comics Perfectly Capture Your Everyday Beauty Struggles

Aug 27 2016 - 7:00am

Whether you're a beauty novice or a full-on product junkie, there are some struggles that are universal. Passport photos never turn out the way you want them to. A half-bun [1] always looks cuter on Instagram than in real life. And on some days, taming a cat eye [2] seems more challenging than domesticating a jaguar. 21-year-old Romanian-Canadian artist Cassandra Calin has crystallized all of these concerns (and more!) in fun illustrations that she shares on Instagram and Tumblr [3]. Her creations will invite you to take a step back from your frustrating beauty dilemma and laugh it off. Read on to see some of our favorites, then check out more of her fantastic work here [4].

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