Beyoncé’s Makeup Artist Uses Not 1, but 2 Highlighters For Her Glow

Apr 7 2018 - 9:25am
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Sir John, celebrity makeup artist [3] to the likes of Beyoncé, Chrissy Teigen, and Priyanka Chopra, recently told us we could be applying our foundation wrong [4], and we listened. But apparently, that's not all we're doing wrong. When we had the pleasure of interviewing Sir John, we learned a lot more than just how to apply our base. He gave us some reassuring words about beauty in 2018 [5], and even taught us how to get permanent contouring [6]. Today, we're sharing how to get the blinding, celebrity-worthy highlight that you've probably never been able to master. Get ready to unlearn your current routine because these nuggets of information are about to raise your glow game to Priyanka's level.

Sir John said, "It's all about layering and not just smacking on your highlight, buffing it in, and putting more product on. It's really all about the application process." He likes to apply creamy highlighter with a finger first — but not using any old finger, it must be with the ring finger. "Your ring finger is the weakest finger you have, so it will pick up least amount of product and it's not as aggressive as you index finger. Your index finger will leave fingerprints, will be streaky, and might leave lines." And even if you don't necessarily care about streaky highlighter (though your beautifully glowing face doesn't deserve streaks!), you might care that your index finger could actually age the skin under your eyes!

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Sir John always applies cream formulas first. "People go mad over shimmer bricks. Those are great, but sometimes they appear glittery, chunky, or can sit on top of the skin if it isn't hydrated properly." After using a creamy highlighter as a base, he goes in with a soft brush and does what he likes to call a "kiss" with a powder highlighter to seal it off. This way, highlighter looks like it's part of your foundation rather than sitting on top of it and looking heavy.

To be honest, highlighter has never sounded so luxurious, and if it makes us glow even a tiny bit like Bey or Priyanka, consider us sold on this layering technique!

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