This Hack That Middle Eastern Women Do Will Change the Way You Apply Eyeliner

Dec 18 2016 - 5:25am

When it comes to applying eyeliner, the struggle is so real. Some have shaky hands, while others often tear up from product being applied very close to their eyes. If you fall into the latter category, Kim Kardahian's makeup artist Mario Dedivanovic has some solutions.

We were #blessed to learn from him at a special, editors-only master makeup class in NYC hosted by Jergens [1]. First of all, he feels your pain.

"There's really nothing you can do about that, I hate when that happens," he said. "Like it starts tearing on the corner and then your eyeliner gets messed up. It's the worst."

Mario explained three techniques to try when you get weepy putting pencil near your waterline.

The Tissue Tip

He advises to grab a tissue for the process. "My best tip over the years is just to have a tissue wrapped about your finger and before it comes out, you lightly tap it," he explained.

The Breathing Technique

There is also a breathing technique you can try to keep the tears out all together. "Whenever you feel that tears are going to come out, there is a breathing technique you do," he noted. "You breathe in through your nose, and what happens is that you suck the tears in as opposed from them being able to come out. It's tricky, but you can get the hang of it when you start to practice it." Perhaps this is another reason to take up meditation in 2017.

The Bobby Pin Hack

The most interesting tidbit we learned comes from women overseas. "When I was in the Middle East, the Arab girls taught me a trick," he said. "You take a bobby pin and you clip it to your ear. And its painful but somehow that doesn't allow your tears to come out. I haven't tried that but apparently the girls in the Middle East, they do that."

Good luck and be safe!

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