Warning: You're About to Be Totally Obsessed With This Tiny, Stylish Dog

Jan 15 2017 - 5:05pm

Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and think, "I have no idea what to do with my hair today"? Well, Kuma the dog definitely doesn't have that problem. The Japanese pup, who has reached full-on Instagram stardom [1], is a Pekingese and Shih Tzu mix with long, flowing locks. Instead of settling for the same old dog styles, though, Kuma regularly rocks trendy hairstyles that some humans can't even pull off. From braids to flower crowns, she will give you some serious fur hair goals — look through some of our favorite Kuma hairstyle snaps ahead, and then follow her on Instagram [2] for more unlikely beauty inspiration.

Flower crown

Double topknots

Laid-back bandana

Braided crown

Matching barrettes

Hair bow

Flower crown (and kimono!) style


Double braids

Braided pigtails (with plaid bows!)

Pom-pom pigtail buns

Double hair bows (Doggy Gaga?)

Kitty ears (Ariana Puppy?)

Basic beanie

High pony

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