Lili Reinhart, Relatable Human, Shares a Cystic Acne Selfie

Apr 9 2018 - 6:30am

Riverdale [1]'s Lili Reinhart is putting her "Tinder profile" on display, and it's hilariously honest. On Friday night, Lili took to her Instagram [2] stories to share a smiley selfie, and just FYI, the 21-year-old actress is a Virgo, a Cali girl, and, oh yeah, has cystic acne. We already know Lili's a makeup queen [3], but her lighthearted Snap is a great reminder that whether you're wearing foundation or blemish cream, a selfie is always in order.

Lili isn't the only Riverdale [4] star to get honest about acne either. Fellow cast member Ashleigh Murray talks openly about her journey with cystic acne [5] as well, including what she does to keep it at bay. What did we do to deserve these inspirational icons?

Meanwhile, we'll try not to read too heavily into the "Tinder profile" side of things, since we're happily existing in a world where Lili and Cole Sprouse are maybe, hopefully dating [6]. It's all just for the Snap, right, Lili?

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