Still Figuring Out How to Do a Cat Eye? L'Oreal Just Made Your New Favorite Liner

Apr 11 2019 - 3:11pm

Winged eyeliner can be seriously intimidating – if you're not careful while you apply it, it's easy to get the liquid liner [1] all over your face. I've been wearing cat eyes on a near daily basis since high school, but I remember practicing for many hours before daring to wear it in public. Thankfully, L'oreal has created a product that would've come in handy while I was learning how to perfect my wing: The L'oreal Infallible Flash Cat Eye ($10, available May 15).

This handy pen-tip liner [2] makes applying liner a breeze for even the least experienced makeup wearer. The cap of the liner includes a removable tool that slides out and has a small triangle indentation that you can use as a stencil for your wing.

While it took me a few tries to get used to the new way of applying my liner, [3] the results were hard to argue with. By using the tool, I was able to get a dramatic, sharp wing that I'd never be able to do free-hand. I can only imagine how exciting the results would be for someone who's never been able to achieve this look before.

Check out my liner below, as well as some photos of this innovative launch.

L'oreal Infallible Flash Cat Eye

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