Swiss Cheese Nails Are a Thing, and the Look Is Hole-y Amazing

Dec 10 2017 - 4:20am
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On a normal day, a chipped mani is enough to make us shed a single tear. Now, we're feeling an entirely different emotion because this nail art featuring holes and wedges is making us a little . . . hungry?

Reminiscent of Kraft single slices, these Swiss cheese nails were created by Instagram user @Fan_blingbling using a 3D printer at New York University [3]. According to Fan_blingbling's caption, it took the artist "three days of [her] life" to create the hole-y masterpiece. Worth it!

While we wouldn't call Swiss cheese nails practical (as one commenter put it, "Girl, how do you scratch your head with that?"), the look sure is powerful. The mani's blue and gray color scheme is very minimalist-chic and offers a toned-down complement to the extra-as-hell cutouts.

Even if you've sworn off dairy for the sake of clear skin [4] (you brave human), there's nothing stopping you from rocking Swiss cheese nails.

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