If You're Hopeless at Winged Eyeliner, These Stickers Are Here to Save the Day

Jan 7 2018 - 4:00am

Image Source: Instagram user hudabeauty [1]

Oh, winged eyeliner [2], how I simultaneously love and hate thee. The retro makeup trend gives off a polished, sophisticated vibe, but damn, is it a struggle to perfect. No matter how many helpful winged liner hacks [3] I try (bobby pins, sticky notes, tape. . .), I usually end up looking a little something like this after each and every failed attempt:

Image Source: MTV [4]

If you also grapple with a similar ineptness at mastering the perfect, Nike-swoosh-like liner [5] above your eyes, winged eyeliner stickers may just be the solution.

Beauty guru and businesswoman Huda Kattan recently reposted the video below [6] that shows off liner stickers designed by makeup artist Agustin Fernandez for Brazilian brand Bijoux de Pele. In the clip, Huda simply removes the black, wing-shaped stickers from their adhesive backing, slaps them above her lash line, and finishes things off with a bit of liquid liner. See the innovative stickers in action for yourself.

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Though the life-saving, heaven-sent adhesives aren't necessarily new (these actually garnered a bit of buzz last year [9]), we're somehow just now learning of their existence, and are feeling truly #blessed by the makeup gods.

Ready to throw your tearful, failed winged liner escapades out the window and embrace the sticker version with open arms? You're in luck! Those exact Bijoux de Pele liner stickers that Huda tested are currently available for purchase online [10], along with a handful of more decorative options [11] — including glittery ones!

However, Bijoux de Pele's stickers are quite expensive. These babies can cost anywhere from $25 to $60, depending on how many you want to buy and what style you're interested in. Plus, the brand's international shipping could take a while. If you're both a frugal and impatient beauty maven who cannot seem to go on without adding winged liner stickers to your stash, it looks like Amazon sells a much cheaper version [13] for just 6 bucks. Score!

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