These Bath Bombs Have Encouraging Messages Inside For When You Need Some Stress Relief

Apr 15 2020 - 2:50pm

I can't think of a better pick-me-up than a nice, warm bath — well, except a dose of positivity and message of reassurance. So it's a good thing I can get both of those things with just the click of a button on Amazon. The retailer is currently selling bath fizzers [1] with calming messages hidden inside, and I don't know about you, but I think it's the dose of positivity and stress relief we all need right now.

The Da Bomb "F" Bath Bombs [2] ($8) are handmade with a lavender scent, and they're designed to dissolve in your bathtub to reveal a small piece of paper that features a message of encouragement — kind of like a fortune cookie, except, uh, you can't eat it. The bombs are also safe to use for kids and adults. All you have to do is drop an orb in the tub when you're feeling a little down. They won't exactly melt away all your troubles, but they're a good start. You can head over to Amazon to purchase a few now.

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