8 Times Chrissy Teigen Got Real About Beauty on Instagram

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Getty | Frazer Harrison / Staff

Slow claps all around for one of our favorite social media stars: Chrissy Teigen. In another all-too-relatable (and hilariously terrifying) moment on Instagram, Teigen documented her self-care Monday routine, which included a facial sheet mask, a heated neck wrap, and a vagina steam, which the new mom — who is just over a month postpartum with her second child, Miles — is unsure of its efficacy. "No I don't know if any of this works but it can't hurt right? *vagina dissolves*" Teigen joked in the post.

For the record, you don't really need anything to cleanse your vulva, but that's not the point. The point is: this is not the first time we've been able to have a good laugh at the star's social media beauty moments. In case you need a quick reminder that Teigen is (kind of, maybe a little) all of us, here's a refresher.

Head-to-Vag Glam

If you're gonna do a day of beauty, you might as well do it all at the same time, right? Face mask? Check. Neck wrap? Check. Vaginal steam? Questionable.

Edited Eyes

In a post on Father's Day, Teigen confessed that she did a little virtual camouflaging to cover some imperfections under her eyes. At least she's honest.

Met Gala Messy Bun

We're still laughing at this hair "tutorial" that Teigen posted of her messy bun during the Met Gala (which she did not attend). She totally nailed this year's theme.

Gray Matters

And now a lesson in embracing your gray hairs . . .

Pregnancy Goals

Gotta love Teigen's confidence in this nude, IDGAF, body-positive post that she shared while pregnant (and making a salad).

Period Skin

Ugh. Same, girl. Same.

Middle-School Hairstyle

If you're looking for low-maintenance, easy-breezy, throwback hairstyles, Teigen has got your back.

Hair Extension Down

And then there was that time she lost a hair extension to her brush. Been there. The background music though — perfection.

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