Anna Kendrick's Hilarious Shower Thoughts Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

May 6 2015 - 9:45am

Both funny and thought-provoking, Anna Kendrick [1]'s shower thoughts are more than a little entertaining. The actress covers the June issue of Glamour [2], and in a video with the magazine, she takes a cue from Reddit's Shower Thoughts thread [3] and shares some of the best (and weirdest) of the bunch. Along with some laugh-out-loud thoughts from Reddit users, Anna voiced a few of her own, including, "Does a frozen yogurt headache burn fewer calories than an ice cream headache?" Watch her dramatic take on shower thoughts above, then check out 27 Anna Kendrick tweets that prove she should be your BFF [4], plus new, must-see Pitch Perfect 2 pictures [5]!

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