This Tweet in Defense of Taylor Swift Is Absolutely Troubling

Jul 18 2016 - 5:37pm

Well, this whole feud between Kanye West and Taylor Swift [1] is really going off the rails. On Monday, in the wake of Kim Kardashian's Snapchat leak of Taylor Swift's phone call [2] with Kanye West, so much subsequent drama unfolded. Celebrities picked sides around the issue [3], fans rushed to Taylor's defense [4], and even Taylor's BFF threw her hat into the ring [5]. And then, there's this tweet from Joseph Kahn, the director of the "Bad Blood" music video [6].

Ain't the first time the Kardashians supported the murder of an innocent blonde woman.

— Joseph Kahn (@JosephKahn) July 18, 2016 [7]

It's worth it to take a breath and consider the implications of this tweet, just for a moment. Nicole Brown Simpson was brutally murdered in cold blood. It was complicated, to say the least: Robert Kardashian — the father of Kim, Khloé, and Kourtney and ex-husband of Kris Jenner — was a member of O.J. Simpson's legal team. O.J., of course, was Nicole's ex-husband and accused murderer. The entire Kardashian family has been quite vocal about the whole ordeal [8], mostly insisting that the trial left the family in shambles. Regardless of how that entire trial played out, it's unwise to say the Kardashian family "supported" this murder. And to suggest that the alleged character assassination of Taylor Swift [9] is comparable, in any way, to an actual murder is deeply troubling.

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