Take a Quick Second to Drool Over These Photos of Rahul Kohli With Us

May 20 2017 - 10:00am

I could sing the praises of iZombie [1] all day. The criminally underrated CW show boasts sharp writing, Veronica Mars [2] alum and showrunner Rob Thomas, and, oh yeah, ridiculously gorgeous human Rahul Kohli. Are you already aware of what a beautiful, beautiful man he is? If you answered "yes" to that question, move directly to the photo portion of this article below and commence drooling. If not, then let this serve as your introduction to the 31-year-old British actor, who's tall, dark, and handsome, and has hair that deserves its own Pantene commercial (seriously — Selena Gomez [3] wishes). Other than playing the hilarious and brilliant Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti on iZombie, he spends his time smoldering camera lenses everywhere, working out, and posing with tiny dogs. Get ready to meet your new celebrity crush in 3, 2, 1 . . .

Why can't I stop staring at this photo? Is this a medical issue? Someone pull up WebMD for me.

No one in this photo looks happy, but luckily my own excitement is enough for all of us.

I'm getting some real Jason Momoa vibes [4] here.

This is the face he'd probably make when he knows you're lying, but he's so nice he'd let you get away with it.

It's a yes from me.

Still into him, no matter how much it looks like an octopus is attacking his head.

Only a certain kind of man can pull off visible chest hair, and Rahul is one of them.

Like James Dean, but better?

Honestly I'm not sure the world could handle two of him (lol jk bring it on [5]).

I can't put my finger on it, but suddenly I'm really interested in Nintendo. What could it be, you guys?


Don't lie: despite the Battlefield Earth shenanigans happening here, you'd still swipe right.

When he takes you on a date to the Kentucky Derby one day, this is what he'll show up in, FYI.

If he's not in Star Wars: Episode IX, I'll riot.

See? How could he not be?!

BRB, my heart just exploded.


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