George W. Bush Has Been Busy Painting World Leaders

Apr 4 2014 - 10:00am

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Today show correspondent Jenna Bush Hager welcomed her dad to the show Friday to unveil his latest masterpieces. Since retiring from the White House, Former President George W. Bush has taken up a new hobby: painting! This time, his subjects are his former peers. W painted world leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and his former British counterpart Tony Blair. He also offered his opinion on the men behind the portraits, saying, "Vladimir is a person who in many ways views the United States as an enemy. I felt he saw the world as either the US benefits and Russia loses or vice versa." And he got a little personal: "As you know, our dear dog Barney, who had a special place in my heart — Putin dissed him and said, 'You call it a dog?'" But the leader most dear to Bush's heart? His dad. He explained: "It was a joyful experience to paint him. I painted a gentle soul." Watch the reveal above, and check out some screenshots of the paintings below.

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