Kanye West Hilariously Explains Why He Never Smiles

Oct 13 2014 - 11:09am

Source: Getty / George Pimentel [1]

Over the years, Kanye West has earned a reputation for not smiling [2], and on Saturday, the rapper hilariously addressed his b*tchy resting face with a perfect (and rare) tweet to explain why, exactly, he doesn't smile. He's famous for wearing a sulky expression, and even his daughter, North West, looks unimpressed [3] more often than not. So what's the deal? Kanye shed some light on his solemn ways in a short but sweet tweet this past weekend, writing [4], "Not smiling makes me smile."

You have to love that kind of mocking self-awareness, right? Of course, Kanye does flash a grin every once in a while, and we've seen plenty of smiley Kanye moments [6] — particularly when he's with his other half, Kim Kardashian. In any case, well played, Kanye. Well played.

Source: Getty / Didier Baverel [7]

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