We Barely Recognize One Half of This Mean Girls Reunion

Feb 6 2014 - 11:25am
Source: Instagram user lindsaylohan [1], Paramount Pictures [2]

Lindsay Lohan [3] ran into a familiar face on Wednesday night in NYC, leaving us with a slew of Mean Girls [4] flashbacks. That's right — Lindsay took to Instagram to share a picture with former costar Daniel Franzese, the actor who played the beloved Damian in the high school comedy. The two reportedly ran into each other at a restaurant [5], and we can't get over the serendipitous circumstances. What shocked us the most, though, is that we barely recognized Daniel! Could this be the same person who gave us giggles with moments like this flawlessly executed kiss/wink gesture?

Source: Paramount Pictures [6]

And let's not forget about those sensational dance moves.

Source: Paramount Pictures [7]

He's changed so much in 10 years! But even after all this time, we're sure Damian still wants his pink shirt back.

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