So That's Where Prince George Gets Those Cute Faces From!

Sep 30 2015 - 3:40pm

Prince George is a big brother now, and while we can't wait to see him grow up with a sibling, little George will always have a special place in our hearts. In his first months, we found out that he was full of wiggles [1] and that, overall, he was unimpressed [2]. But where did all those cute faces [3] come from? We've launched a full investigation, and it turns out the answer was right under our noses the whole time: George gets his expressions from Mom and Dad! Keep scrolling to see our favorite George faces and how they correspond directly to Will and Kate.

The "Do You Kiss Your Mum With That Mouth?"

The "Can You Like, Chill For a Sec?"

The "Makin' My Way Downtown"

The "Sass and Stare"

The "I Wish You'd Have Several Seats"

The Death Stare

The "Aw Yesssssss"

The "Wanna Run That By Me Again?"

The "Everything OK Over There?"

The "I Cannot Handle That"

The "Come Here and Say That to My Face"

The "Not Feelin' It, to Be Honest"

The "Oh No, You Did Not Just"

The "I'm Perplexed Yet Impressed"

The "Is There Something I Can Help You With?"

The "Where Am I? What Time Is It?"

The Shady Side Eye

The "Raise the Roof"

The "Excuse Me?"

The "Heck Yeah!"

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