Princess Charlene Lives Out Your European Dreams in This Stunning Video

Jun 2 2017 - 5:30am

David Coulthard, Richard Gort (réalisateur) et la société de production Whisper Film ont réalisé un court métrage à la veille du Grand Prix de Monaco où LL.AA.SS. le Prince Albert et la Princesse Charlene ont joué les premiers rôles aux côtés de Mark Webber (vainqueur en 2010 et 2012), de Steve Jones (journaliste sur Channel 4) et d'Eddie Jordan (ancien patron de l'écurie de F1 du même nom). Ce film de 7 minutes a été diffusé sur l'antenne de Channel 4 le jour de la course et a remporté un grand succès d'audience.

Posted by Palais Princier de Monaco - Prince's Palace of Monaco
[1] on Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ever wonder what it's really like to live like royalty [2]? Well, according to this new video posted to the Prince's Palace of Monaco's Facebook page on Thursday, it's pretty amazing. In the video, which is in celebration of Monaco's 75th Grand Prix, Princess Charlene and her husband, Prince Albert II, open up about the prestigious and glamorous event. While Charlene arrives by boat (and stuns in a gorgeous halter top, sunglasses, and red lipstick), Albert flies in on a helicopter. The couple then join past Grand Prix winners David Coulthard and Mark Webber at the Monaco Yacht Club to talk about their favorite memories from the auto race's past. The video, which could easily double as a Hollywood film, also features appearances by Irish racing legend Eddie Jordan and sports journalist Steve Jones. Watch the rare glimpse into royal life above!

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