Russell Brand Slams Sean Hannity in a 12-Minute Rant

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The latest episode of Russell Brand's web series, The Trews, has gone viral, with Russell taking on Fox News commentator Sean Hannity's coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict. He starts by noting that Hannity looks an awful lot like the Ken doll in Toy Story 3, and then the video goes back and forth between the news anchor's segment and Russell's commentary. Russell says that Hannity is "not interested in truth," and that he's only "interested in pushing a particular perspective." At the end of the episode, Russell says, "One definition of terrorism is using intimidation to achieve your goals. Who in that situation was behaving like a terrorist? Using intimidation, bullying, being unreasonable: Sean Hannity." Watch the viral clip above, then check out Hannity's response below, in which he calls Russell "a D-list actor better known for his failed marriage to Katy Perry."