A Simple Guide to the State of the Union — in GIFs!

Jan 29 2014 - 8:15am

President Obama delivered his State of the Union speech [1] on Tuesday night, and if you missed it, don't worry — we're breaking down some of the key moments in pop culture GIFs. As can be expected, Obama's words garnered mixed responses from members of Congress. They laughed, they cried [2], they rolled their eyes, and they rose to their feet for standing ovation after standing ovation. Relive the political event with a look at some of the standout, GIF-worthy moments from this year's State of the Union Address.

Source: Paramount Pictures [3]

President Obama came in and started shaking people's hands.

Then everyone crowded around, hoping for a handshake.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden and John Boehner sat behind him looking like this.

Obama stood at the podium and thanked everyone for their support.

One of his first points was ending the war in Afghanistan, and everyone stood up.

There was so much clapping, it felt like you should clap at home.

Then he mentioned Michelle, and the room gave her a standing ovation.

He introduced Boehner as "the son of a barkeeper."

When he backed the idea of more "made in the USA" products, he got a standing ovation.

Do more about climate change? Another standing ovation.

He said America's reduced its carbon pollution more than any nation over eight years.

Then Obama mentioned immigration reform, and Democrats were like . . .

While Republicans were sort of like . . .

Some politicians started looking a little bored.

Or maybe they were just a little lost.

There was some of this.

But then Obama talked about promoting early education, and everyone could agree.

He said companies are donating to help schools get Internet.

Then he dropped this: "When women succeed, America succeeds."

He added, "It’s time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a Mad Men episode."

Source: AMC [4]

Obama told Congress to increase minimum wage to $10.10 and give America a raise.

There was a lot of clapping, but then things got awkward . . .

Because he mentioned health care, and there were some mixed reactions.

Democrats cheered when he said not to repeal the healthcare law.

The Supreme Court justices were like . . .

And the whole time, John Boehner's just like . . .

Soon Obama said he'll keep trying to stop more tragedies from happening.

People were obviously pretty into that idea.

Then he said if Congress passes sanctions on Iran, he'll veto them to keep diplomatic talks going.

Cheers came when he rooted for Team USA to take home Olympic gold.

Source: Hollywood Records [5]

And everyone got pumped up for Sochi.

At one point, he told young Americans to call their moms.

When he told Army Ranger Cory's story, things got emotional.

It prompted a long, powerful standing ovation.

There were some thoughtful closing remarks, then Obama left the podium.

So . . . what do you think?

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