All the Times Tina Fey Hilariously Communicated Exactly What You Were Feeling

May 21 2016 - 8:00am

Tina Fey [1] just gets it. When it comes to navigating your love life [2] or learning how to be an adult [3], the actress is a hilarious source of inspiration — and her responses to life's surprises are always on point. If you don't already have a folder filled with reaction GIFs starring Tina Fey (or her 30 Rock alter ego, Liz Lemon [4]), prepare for your entire internet life to be changed! We've rounded up some of Tina's best responses to almost any situation; no matter what you're up against, she'll always communicate exactly what you're feeling.

When somebody calls you out for celebrating your "birthday month" instead of a single day

When you answer your boss's question right in a meeting and impress everyone

When somebody asks if you're down to have a Harry Potter movie marathon

When you order a salad for lunch and feel like the healthiest human on this whole damn planet

When you get home and somebody's eaten your Chipotle leftovers

When you're DD-ing for the whole group on a bar-hopping night

When you complain about feeling bloated and somebody suggests you try their new diet

When your ex posts on their new girlfriend's Facebook wall

When you find out it's a holiday weekend and you've got an extra day to recover before work

When your nosy aunt asks why you're still single

When the dinner conversation turns to politics and you bite your tongue about controversial issues

When your friend gets up and offers to grab more snacks while she's in the kitchen

When your paycheck gets deposited a day earlier than you expected

When it's time to take a family picture during the holidays and it turns into an hour-long ordeal

When another greeting card holiday passes and all of your friends have dates

When your friends ask why you're not going out with them over the weekend

When you somebody uses "defiantly" instead of "definitely" and you can't help correcting their grammar

When somebody doesn't know that the left side of the escalator is for walking

When you find out that Donald Trump is the GOP's presidential front runner

When an acquaintance mentions how the weight "just fell off" after they gave birth — two weeks ago

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