These Haters Insulted Zendaya's Parents, and She Had the Classiest Comeback Ever

Aug 28 2015 - 12:10pm

Zendaya [1]'s parents, Kazembe Ajamu Coleman and Claire Stoermer, were the victims of rude comments on Twitter recently when one user implied that, while Zendaya is gorgeous, they are not. When a couple other users hopped on the bandwagon, Zendaya herself quickly fired back at all three of them [2] with a long note and a picture of her with her parents. "First, I'm gonna pray for you," she begins. She goes on to describe the inner beauty of her parents, all the good they've done, and encourages all three of the users in question to "hug a teacher and read a textbook." It's just another reason why Zendaya inspires us to kick ass and give fewer f*cks [3]. Read Zendaya's full statement (plus the original tweets) below, then remember seven other times she shut down her haters on Twitter [4].

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