Emma Watson Is the "Bag Lady" of Her Friends, and We Can See Why — She Carries Nutella!

Look, I know the Harry Potter [1] movies aren't real, but I might have to reevaluate my beliefs in magic a little after seeing Emma Watson [2] pull countless items out of her purse (she must have used an undetectable extension charm to fit all of that in there!). In a video with Vogue on Dec. 12, Emma gave fans a peek inside her purse [3]. Known as the "bag lady" of her friend group, Emma carries everything from makeup removal wipes [4] to a portable Nutella snack pack and an adorable hot water bottle that she swears by for airplane travel. She also carries a muscle rub that says "quit your b*tching" on the packaging, and, if you ask me, that should have been Hermione's catchphrase at the end of the series. Watch the full video above to see what other surprising items Emma carries in her purse.

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