16 Michelle Obama Moments That Will Make You Laugh When You Need It Most

May 12 2020 - 1:45pm

There are so many reasons to love Michelle Obama [1] — she leads by example [2], she shows up when we need her [3], she has great style [4], and she instills hope in so many of us. Oh, and who could forget her incredible sense of humor? Even though she's no longer the first lady, Michelle continues to make us laugh through interviews, appearances, and, most recently, her Becoming documentary [5]. Whether she's poking fun at her husband, Barack, [6] or explaining her fashion choices to her brother, Craig, Becoming is filled with so many fun, lighthearted moments that are guaranteed to make you smile. In honor of Michelle and her Netflix documentary, look back at some of her funniest moments ahead.

When She Dropped Bars With Missy Elliott and James Corden

Can someone give her another Grammy [8] just for this?

When She Challenged James Corden to a Game of Dodgeball

And brought some badass backup [9] with her!

When She Reminded Her Mom That She Is a "Real Star"

It's good to know that not even Michelle is safe from embarrassing mom texts [10].

When She and Jimmy Fallon Surprised Fans in Elevators

Michelle is always down for a fun time [11]!

When She Said All the Things She Couldn't Say as First Lady

LOL at "Clooney is my freebie!" Same, Michelle, same.

When She and Ellen DeGeneres Took Over Costco

Because that's what friends do [12], right?

When She Did Her Best Barack Impression

Oh, to be a fly on the wall (or under the table) during that dinner conversation.

When She and Ellen DeGeneres Wreaked Havoc in CVS

Lesson learned: never invite Ellen on a shopping trip [13].

When She Joked About Sasha Missing the Farewell Address

"You know the Obamas, girl, [14] take your test. You can say goodbye later."

When She and Barack Had a Special Message For Prince Harry

Whew, that mic drop at the end!

When She Added "Rapper" to Her Résumé

OK, we see you, Michelle [15]!

When She Gave Stephen Curry Some Tips on How to Trash Talk Her Husband

Remind us to never play golf against Michelle.

When She Showed Off Her "Mom" Moves With Jimmy Fallon . . .

Beyoncé would be proud of her "Single Ladies" dance [16].

. . . Not Once, but Twice!

Truly the best [17]!

When She and Ellen DeGeneres Broke It Down to "Uptown Funk"

If this doesn't get you on your feet [18], I don't know what to tell you.

When She Sat in Ellen DeGeneres's "Hot Seat"

Michelle and Ellen's friendship is the gift that keeps on giving.

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