Selena Gomez Squeals Over a Box of Mealworms on The Tonight Show, Like One Should

On Monday night, Selena Gomez participated in the Tonight Show [1] game that frequently haunts my nightmares: "Can You Feel It?" The 27-year-old singer stopped by to promote her new album Rare [2], and much like her last visit, host Jimmy Fallon [3] roped her into another activity [4] with some not-so-fun surprises. Luckily, he played right alongside her to keep things fair.

Although Selena made it through one of the rounds easily by touching a fuzzy teddy bear, my skin was crawling when she had to stick her hand in a box full of mealworms. Sorry, but no thank you, nuh-uh, no sir. She's a better sport than I, however, and seemed to have fun when all was said and done. Jimmy sure knows how to keep his guests on their toes! Watch the full video above, and try not to gasp as she and Jimmy venture into unknown containers. We feel for them.

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