Hold On to Your Hot Ham Water, Because Arrested Development Is Officially Filming!

Mar 28 2018 - 4:00pm

The following contains spoilers for Arrested Development season four.

You know the level of excitement that Lucille Bluth experiences over a strong martini, or the way Buster Bluth reacts to juice? Well, we're feeling that way about life right now, because Arrested Development season five is officially in production! Some of the series' most memorable stars have shared photos behind the scenes while shooting the next installment of the Netflix reboot, and once you see them, you'll understand our excitement.

To recap — when we last left off with the Bluth clan in 2013, there was (per usual) plenty of drama to go around. Unusually, though, the fourth season ends with a major rift between two of the characters you'd least expect: Michael Bluth and his son, George Michael. Buster has been arrested for murder, Gob is running Bluth Company, and overall, things are not going well in the world of the Bluths.

So when Will Arnett [1] (Gob Bluth) tweeted a photo of himself with his two onscreen siblings, it both fueled our excitement and presented some questions: where is Buster? Why is the guy in a $3,000 suit suddenly opting for linen shirts? When did Lindsay get bangs?!

We're sure that the answers to these questions and more will come soon, but in the meantime, check out these peeks at production and read up on all of the season five details [2] you need to know!

Jason Bateman (Michael Bluth) shared a look at the set.

And narrator Ron Howard couldn't resist snapping a selfie in the recording booth.

Three of the four Bluth siblings look happy and relaxed — but where is Buster?

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