17 of the Most Badass Princess Leia Moments From the Star Wars Films

May 4 2018 - 8:20pm

At the end of 2016, iconic movie star and all-around hero Carrie Fisher passed away [1]. While the actress leaves a large trail of exceptional work in her wake [2], it's hard to hear her name without thinking about her most memorable role: Princess Leia in the Star Wars films. From the very first movie, A New Hope, to the most recent installment, The Last Jedi, Fisher brought an exceptional level of gumption and sarcasm to the character. Since there's still no word on how Leia will factor in to the next film, let's reflect on all her greatest moments in the meantime.

When She Isn't Even a Little Bit Impressed

When She's Not Here For Any of This or Any of That

This Iconic "You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me" Head Tilt

When She Doesn't Need a Man

This Gorgeous Smile

When She's Like, "Can You NOT?"

When She Throws Expert Shade

When She Really Needs to Take a Minute to Figure Out Who You Think You're Dealing With

When She Just Wishes Everyone Would Stay Out of Her Way

When She Packs All That Savagery Into a Single Sentence

When She Kisses the Hell Out of Han Solo

When She Clarifies the Rules

When She Compiles an Epic Insult

When She's Like, "You Ain't Sh*t"

When She F*cks Up a Bunch of Stormtroopers

When She Doesn't Care Whether or Not Someone Saved the Day

And of Course, This Epic Love Story

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