10 Scary Podcasts to Listen to on a Dark and Stormy Night

Oct 26 2017 - 3:25pm

The best way to get in the Halloween [1] spirit is to indulge in spooky stories, but there are only so many times you can rewatch Are You Afraid of the Dark? and the classic scary movie canon [2]. Luckily for us, the rise of podcasts in the last few years means there's an entirely new way to enjoy those campfire chills. All 10 of these podcasts are guaranteed to get you in the mood for All Hallows' Eve — though let's be real, they're so good that you'll probably want to listen to them all year round.

My Favorite Murder

My Favorite Murder is exactly what it sounds like: a podcast about murder. But each case is broken down, analyzed, and explained by two women who don't leave a single stone unturned. The thing that makes it stand out, however, is the fact that these are two totally normal women who are terrified and anxious at the thought of such heinous crimes, and the way they talk it out is a form of therapy. Their fears are our fears, and after a while you will absolutely find yourself joining in on the discussions you're listening to and analyzing them yourself.

Start listening now! [6]

We're Alive — A "Zombie" Story of Survival

A zombie apocalypse has hit Los Angeles, and the survivors are forced to band together in order to survive. That's the underlying premise of We're Alive — A "Zombie" Story of Survival, and the fact is, it's not the zombies that are terrifying – it's the things that happen when the world has suddenly fallen apart. The sound effects are amazing (think The Walking Dead [7], but in your ears) and it's impossible to pull yourself away once you've gotten through the first couple of episodes.

Start listening now! [8]

Jim Harold's Campfire — True Ghost Stories

If ghost stories are your thing, this is a must-listen. Jim Harold is a master of the paranormal, and he only chooses the incidents and true stories that he feels are authentic. Even if you're not typically a believer, the way the podcast is crafted builds up a narrative that makes it hard to argue that ghosts don't exist - and it's perfect for getting yourself ready for trick-or-treating on Oct. 31.

Start listening now! [9]


Limetown comes in a slightly different format: It's a fictional story, told by a real-life journalist. American Public Radio's Lia Haddock reports fictional news briefs on the investigation of the disappearance of an entire research facility (and the 300 people who were in it) in Tennessee. Imagine The X-Files being told by an NPR reporter, and that's exactly what you get with this amazingly spooky and lifelike six-episode series.

Start listening now! [10]


Just picked up by Amazon for a television series [11], Lore is a fan favorite among many high-profile writers, directors, and producers. It's an anthology focused on true stories and the origins of all those creepy critters (vampires, zombies, ghosts) as well as all things paranormal. The best part? It's a history buff's dream. Everything in the stories is factually true, and will make you rethink everything you thought you knew about the scary things in our modern world.

Start listening now! [12]


Pseudopod operates in a magazine format; writers submit their spooky stories to an editor, and if they're chosen to be published, they're used on the program. Aside from being delectably scary and completely innovative and new, these tales are unique because no author is allowed to read his or her own work. As a result, you get people who are in love with the story and it shows.

Start listening now! [13]

The NoSleep Podcast

The No Sleep Podcast was born on the web. The stories are culled from the ultrapopular subreddit [14] of the same name, and it's the most original anthology series you'll ever hear. Each tale is meticulously crafted and scored with a beautiful soundtrack, and the name doesn't lie — you'll definitely be up for a while after you binge-listen to the series.

Start listening now! [15]

Tales to Terrify

Tales to Terrify calls itself the "audio horror fiction magazine," and that's exactly what it is. Each tale is a fiction horror story, and the overarching goal of each episode is to strike the chords of fear within every listener. Plus, because each story is an actual short story, you can also enjoy the text after delighting in the audio.

Start listening now! [16]

Fireside Mystery Theatre

Recorded once a month in Manhattan, Fireside Mystery Theatre brings together actors to tell the scariest stories they can come up with. Fashioned like an old-school radio show, it's got a modern and new twist with a full score, live music, and an incredible cast that brings life to stories you have to hear to believe.

Start listening now! [17]

Knifepoint Horror

Soren Narnia's Knifepoint Horror is a collection of first-person narratives that get straight to the point. They're all about things that happened, recounted word for word by one single person. From the very start, be prepared to feel like you're sitting before an enormous, roaring fire and hearing truly terrifying tales told in a way that will leave you looking over your shoulder.

Start listening now! [18]

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