From the Targaryens to the Starks, These Are All the House Words in Westeros

Oct 11 2023 - 9:50am

One of the most fun parts of the world of Westeros that George R.R. Martin crafted is that almost every single House [1] has its own official words, a kind of family motto that is shared between the generations to bind them together. Some of those mottos are very well-known, like the Starks' ever-present warning of "Winter Is Coming," while others, like the Tullys' or Martells' words, are a little more niche. Plus, there are some Houses, like the Lannisters, who have both an official motto and an unofficial one. Others, like the Tyrells, saw their House mottos take on some dramatic irony thanks to the tragic events of "Game of Thrones."

When "House of the Dragon" [2] premiered in 2022, it introduced viewers to some Houses that didn't figure into the plot in "Game of Thrones" at all, including House Velaryon [3] and House Hightower. They have interesting House words of their own as well.

Ahead, we've got the House words of all your favorite "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" Houses — plus one House whose motto remains a major mystery.

House Velaryon: "The Old, the True, the Brave"

House Velaryon, which play a big role in "House of the Dragon" season one, use "The Old, the True, the Brave" as their motto. It makes sense since, like House Targaryen, they descend from Old Valyria.

House Hightower: "We Light the Way"

House Hightower, another major player in "House of the Dragon," use "We Light the Way" as their House words. That's because their seat is literally the Hightower in Oldtown, which — long before the building of King's Landing — was the most important city in Westeros.

House Targaryen: "Fire and Blood"

The official Targaryen words are "Fire and Blood," symbolizing their connection to the dragons and conquest.

House Tully: "Family, Duty, Honor"

The Tully motto is "Family, Duty, Honor," which is deeply meaningful to "Game of Thrones"'s most popular Tully, Catelyn Stark.

House Baratheon: "Ours Is the Fury"

The words of House Baratheon, "Ours Is the Fury," are pretty perfect for a strong House full of military insight.

House Tarth: Unknown

"Game of Thrones" never had Brienne of Tarth share the words of House Tarth, and Martin has not included them in any of his A Song of Ice and Fire books. The lord of Tarth is called the Evenstar, though, so it's possible they have something to do with the sun or astrology.

House Greyjoy: "We Do Not Sow"

The House Greyjoy words are "We Do Not Sow," but on "Game of Thrones," the Ironborn phrase "What Is Dead May Never Die" is more commonly used. "We Do Not Sow" is a reference to the fact that they do not farm their island but instead raid and pillage.

House Stark: "Winter Is Coming"

Perhaps the most famous "Game of Thrones" quote is "Winter Is Coming." It's not just a weather prediction but also House Stark's words. There are layers of meaning in the phrase; the Starks' saying is a reminder that Winter (and thus, hardship, darkness, maybe war) must always be anticipated and prepared for.

House Lannister: "Hear Me Roar"

Like the Greyjoys' motto, the Lannisters have an official and unofficial saying. "Hear Me Roar," a reference to their lion sigil, are the House words, but more people associate them with the ominous saying "A Lannister Always Pays His Debts."

House Bolton: "Our Blades Are Sharp"

The motto of the Boltons, "Our Blades Are Sharp," is very much on the nose. The House sigil is the terrifying flayed man (also the family's unfortunate pastime), and viewers remember Ramsay Bolton's love of slicing and dicing people. Let us also never forget that it is Roose Bolton who stabs Robb Stark at the Red Wedding.

House Tyrell: "Growing Strong"

The motto of the family that includes Queen Margaery, Lady Olenna, and Loras is "Growing Strong," which ties in nicely with their House's sigil, a rose.

House Martell: "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"

Since House Martell was the last of the Seven Kingdoms to join Westeros and spent decades in open rebellion against the crown, it makes sense their House motto is "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken."

House Westerling: "Honor, Not Honors"

The motto for House Westerling is "Honor, Not Honors." In "House of the Dragon," Ser Harrold Westerling serves as a knight in the Kingsguard. In Martin's book series, Robb Stark marries Jeyne Westerling before his death in the Red Wedding (in "Game of Thrones," she is replaced by a new character, Talisa Maegyr).

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