Your Guide to the 12 Major Locations on Game of Thrones

Aug 1 2017 - 3:20pm

When you start watching Game of Thrones [1], there are two things that take a while to get to know: all the houses [2] with their various members and the many, many locations where the action happens. The show has taken us (and the cast) to dozens of places throughout Westeros and beyond, and it can get a little overwhelming. Now that season seven has arrived, here's a cheat sheet to all the important locations in the wild world of Game of Thrones!

The North

The northernmost (duh) region in the Seven Kingdoms and just south of the Wall, the North is a vast, cold place where a lot of Game of Thrones action goes down with many of our favorite characters.

Notable locations:


Dorne is the farthest south of all the kingdoms in Westeros and is ruled by House Martell. So far, Dorne hasn't seen too much central action other than Ellaria Sand's coup, but the season six finale shows the Martells joining forces with Varys in support of Daenerys, so who knows it that could change in season seven . . .

Notable locations:

The Reach

The Reach is a kingdom we haven't seen much of yet, but we've met many characters who call it home. North of Dorne but south of King's Landing, the Reach grows much of the crops that feed other parts of Westeros.

Notable locations:

The Iron Islands

Probably the most depressing place in the Seven Kingdoms, the Iron Islands are located off the western coast of Westeros. They're currently experiencing a serious lack of ships.

Notable locations:

The Stormlands

Game of Thrones hasn't shown the kingdom of the Stormlands much, but it is once ruled by one of the most powerful now-defunct families in Westeros: the Baratheons. Geographically speaking, the Stormlands are located east of the Reach and southeast of King's Landing.

Notable locations:

The Vale

The Vale itself doesn't play a central role in Game of Thrones, but it does have a connection to House Stark via Catelyn's sister Lysa and Littlefinger's creepy obsession with Sansa [5]. The knights of the Vale also save Jon Snow's butt in the Battle of the Bastards in season six.

Notable locations:

The Westerlands

It's sort of surprising that a kingdom we haven't seen at all in the show is one that has given us characters who are so crucial to the plot: the Lannisters. As the name suggests, the Westerlands are located on the western coast of Westeros and north of the Reach.

Notable locations:

The Riverlands

The Riverlands are located right in the middle of Westeros — south of the North, east of the Westerlands, and north of King's Landing.

Notable locations:

The Crownlands

As the name implies, the Crownlands are where the King of the Seven Kingdoms rules from the Iron Throne. It's located on the eastern coast of Westeros, north of the Stormlands, and south of the Riverlands.

Notable locations:


East of Westeros and across the Narrow Sea is a huge expanse of land that's very different from the Seven Kingdoms we know. There's no king in Essos, and that means there's no king's law.

Notable locations:

The Wall

Far north of Winterfell, at the edge of the border of the Seven Kingdoms, is the massive architectural feat known as The Wall. The Wall separates the Seven Kingdoms from the wild lands to the far north and keeps everyone to the south safe from whatever lurks in the snowy shadows.

Notable locations:

Beyond the Wall

Unsurprisingly, the freezing land north of The Wall doesn't have much in the way of civilization, but the Wildlings call it home. Unfortunately there are also many White Walkers and wights who call it home.

Notable locations:

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