It's Pretty Adorable to Hear About Harrison Ford Meeting His Young Doppelgänger

When April's The Age of Adaline [1] came out, we weren't just struck by Blake Lively [2]'s beauty, but also by the actor who was the spitting image of a young Harrison Ford [3]. Anthony Ingruber played the younger version of Ford's character, and we knew from his YouTube videos that he was a huge Han Solo fan [4] (who isn't [5]?), but we wondered what Ford himself thought of the guy. Wonder no more, because in this exclusive extra from the DVD (which comes out Tuesday, Sept. 8, while the digital download is available Aug. 25), Ford talks about working with Ingruber. Stay tuned for the really freaking cute picture of the two of them together, in which Ingruber tries to keep his cool.

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