Jamie Lee Curtis Reenacted Her Mom's Famous Psycho Scene, and It's Priceless

Sep 16 2015 - 4:00pm

You're not even ready for this. Jamie Lee Curtis, original scream queen and daughter of famous actors Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis, re-created her mother's famous scene from 1960's Psycho for an special episode of Scream Queens [1]. Presumably because she knew we would all go mad for it, she posted photographic proof of the scene. How insane is this picture? Needless to say, this is already my favorite episode of Scream Queens.

Recreated Mom's PSYCHO shower scene 4 a special ep of @ScreamQueens [2] @JOAQUINSEDILLO [3] #ScreamQueens [4] Tues 9/22 8pm FOX pic.twitter.com/U7BkkvpppG [5]

— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) September 15, 2015 [6]

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