Machine Gun Kelly Covered Billie Eilish's "Ocean Eyes," and It's Actually Kind of a Vibe

Alright, guys. Machine Gun Kelly covered Billie Eilish [1]'s 2016 hit "Ocean Eyes," and full disclosure: I was not into the idea at first. As a big fan of Eilish [2], it's hard to imagine fully enjoying her songs when they're being sung by someone else. But (*deeply inhales and grits teeth*) MGK's rendition isn't (*closes eyes, bites knuckles*) bad. In fact, if I hadn't heard Eilish's version first, I totally wouldn't mind this. He infuses some soft rock elements, but he maintains the sultry, emotional aesthetic [3] of the original track — which is essentially the song's core [4]. Hats off to you, MGK. You are not a shameful citizen [5].

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