16 Meredith and Cristina Moments That Will Make You Think of Your Person

Mar 8 2017 - 12:55pm

When it comes to Grey's Anatomy [1], it's hard not to get tangled in the complicated web of relationships that stretches across the show's entire history. We've seen some pretty epic romances in our time — there was the sheer magic of Derek and Meredith [2], and the ups and downs of Callie and Arizona [3] — but that's really just the tip of the iceberg. While it's fun to swoon over all the lovers, we thought we'd pay homage to a different kind of Grey's relationship: the best friendship of Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang and the way they really embodied our BFF goals. We're celebrating female friendships on TV [4] in honor of International Women's Day [5], so check out all the reasons Meredith and Cristina were so great together.

They give the best hugs. The BEST.

They are each other's person, even when they're thousands of miles apart.

They have infinite epic dance parties.

They spit truth, no matter what.

They cuddle up . . .

. . . and they throw it down.

They ALWAYS make sure the coast is clear of exes and undesirables.

They believe in "chicks before d*cks."

They check in, and they know when something's up.

They pretty much share a brain and act accordingly.

They know they can count on each other for ANYTHING. Including hiding bodies.

They admit their darkest secrets.

They break the bad news to each other. Even when it's, like, really bad.

They admit when they're suffering, even if it's hard.

They can be there for each other, even when they're not exactly there.

They hold each other up, even in the darkest moments.

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