10 Times Meredith Grey Somehow Cheated Death on Grey's Anatomy

Apr 24 2016 - 3:00pm

If you're a fan of Grey's Anatomy [1], you probably think you've had it pretty rough. The show has made you sob loudly with sad songs [2] and devastated your heart with countless sad moments [3]. But you know who probably has it worse? The doctors on the show. Case in point: Meredith Grey has experienced scores of personal tragedies over the post decade or so, and 10 of them were near-death experiences. Yep, you read that correctly. Keep reading to see all the times she cheated death, then console yourself by remembering how Grey's Anatomy understands you better than anyone [4].

When She Grabs a Bomb That's Inside a Patient

Right, because our instinct would also be to grab a bomb that hasn't gone off yet. Good call, Mer.

When Said Bomb Explodes While It's Less Than 20 Feet Away

See, this is why you don't mess with bombs. OK?

When She Nearly Drowns After That Devastating Ferry Accident

Her lungs are filled with water, she's the color of Jack and Rose in Titanic [5], and she seems unresponsive. It's fine. She's fine.

When She Shrieks in the Presence of an Armed, Angry, Trigger-Happy Gunman

Definitely the easiest way to get an angry gunman to notice you and shoot you. Come on, girl.

When She Literally Tells the Same Gunman to Shoot Her

She's like, "Oh, you didn't shoot me before when I was shrieking at you? Just shoot me now."

When the Hospital Loses Power While She's Giving Birth and She Almost Bleeds Out

No power? No problemo.

When She's in an Ambulance Crash With Alex Karev

This is worse than Red Asphalt because none of the characters are drunk and we really care about them.

When Her Plane Crashes With Derek, Cristina, Lexie, Mark, and Arizona Also on Board

It's like, give her a break already, y'know?

When She Nearly Bleeds Out in Childbirth For the Second Time

No, Zola. Do not listen to Mommy. It is NOT OK. Mommy needs doctors and hospital care.

When She Gets Severely Beat Up by a Strong, Disoriented Patient

"I . . . said . . . no . . . cheese!!" Just kidding, this was really brutal and we didn't mean to make a joke about it. Sorry.

The moral of the story, though? Meredith either has nine lives, a deal with the devil, or invincibility.

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