The Epic Trailer For The Night Before Is the Funniest Thing You'll Watch All Week

Nov 11 2015 - 8:42am

What more do you need on Christmas Eve than your best friends, Chinese food, and . . . handfuls of narcotics? OK, this went too far. Seth Rogen [1], Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Anthony Mackie star in The Night Before, a comedy chronicling one crazy night in the lives of three childhood friends who are realizing this might be their last chance to carry on their yearly holiday tradition. Thus, they hit up as many parties as possible. What starts off as a relatively low-key night ends with a Miley Cyrus [2] sing-along (yes, she's really in the trailer!) and one terrible experience at mass. Do yourself a favor and watch the trailers; the movie opens on Nov. 20, and we can't wait.

Here's the UK trailer:

Here's the original trailer:

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