Oscars Movie Challenge: Use Our Checklist as You See All the Movies!

Feb 26 2017 - 9:40am

It's not just award season, it's Oscar season! The nominations [1] are out, the other major shows [2] have already happened, and now we have our sights on the biggest movie event of the year: the Academy Awards [3]. If you're anything like us, you're using this time to watch as many Oscar-nominated movies [4] as you possibly can. To help with your obsession, we have a printable checklist [5] and a clickable one (below) for you to methodically check off each one as you go. Every feature-length film nominated for something is represented here and divided into three parts: the best picture nominees (self-explanatory); the advanced section, which incorporates films with the acting and screenplay nominees not already up for best picture; and the perfectionist category, which has everything else — for the movie buff who really wants to see them all.

So check off the films you've seen below or print out [7] your checklist, queue up the movies you can watch at home [8], make plans to go to the theater, and get your cinephile bragging rights on. And if you want to actually brag about it, that's encouraged: use #popsugarmoviechallenge and tell us what you're seeing!

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