"Everything Is Awesome" Might Be the Weirdest Oscars Performance Ever

Feb 23 2015 - 4:00am

If you saw The Lego Movie, you're well aware of the chaos that is "Everything Is Awesome." Tegan and Sara teamed up with The Lonely Island, including Andy Samberg [1], to perform the original song at the Oscars [2], bathing the room in neon lights. It's so energetic and so weird that it almost wraps around to normal. At one point, audience members (like Oprah!) get impressive Lego Oscars [3], and Will Arnett [4] shows up. It's definitely the strangest thing that's been performed at the Oscars, and for that, we love it. Check it out and find out how Tegan and Sara got involved [5] with the movie.

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