8 Things in the Avengers: Endgame Trailer That We Need to Talk About ASAP

Jan 6 2019 - 4:25am

Marvel has finally released the first trailer [1] for the long-anticipated fourth installment of the Avengers franchise, which means it's time to obsess over every single detail until we know it like the back of our hands. The film isn't dropping until April 26 [2], but that's more than enough time for us to overanalyze every piece of information [3] that comes our way and create our own theories on what everything means.

Our first proper look at Avengers: Endgame [4] is so full of hints about what Marvel has in store for us, we can't help but try to make sense of it all. Of course, we won't have any real answers until the movie comes out — and the sequels afterward — but that's not going to stop us from coming up with ideas anyway! Keep reading as we dive into what we learned from the first trailer and where we think the MCU could be taking us.

Tony Is Lost in Space

When we last see Tony in Infinity War, he's on the decimated Titan with Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and the Guardians of the Galaxy (minus Gamora, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon). This is where Thanos leaves them to complete his mission [6], and we see everyone but Tony and Nebula disappear as a result of the snap. Tony is the first face we see in the Endgame trailer, and he's obviously not doing so well. He breaks our hearts with his final recorded message for Pepper Potts, letting her know that he'll be thinking of her until his last breath. According to Tony, the ship that was (presumably) his way home has no food or water and is quickly running out of oxygen. It's definitely not ideal.

The first thing we can assume is that Tony is on the ship with Nebula, since they were the only two survivors left on Titan after the snap. We even briefly see Nebula in what looks like the Guardians' ship — so it's safe to say the two boarded the Benatar to try to make their way to Earth (though Nebula does have her own ship and normally doesn't play well with others, so who really knows?). The big question is: how are they going to join up with everyone else? Obviously, the journey hasn't gone according to plan, though the lack of food and water aren't as much of a problem for Nebula as they are for Tony. Still, we're expecting there to be a serious rescue mission for the two of them, perhaps from an armor-clad Pepper Potts [7].

Thanos Is Living the Simple Life

Well, Thanos accomplished what he set out to [8], so it's not surprising that the trailer shows him living his best life in "peace." While the titan may have fulfilled his comic destiny by snapping his massive fingers, hanging up his murder jersey, and settling down on a farm, there's still that messy business of killing his daughter [9] plaguing him. We're pretty sure that Thanos's peaceful retirement won't be as happy as he'd imagined.

While we don't see much of the Purple One's face, we do see that his giant, meaty paw is still in the Gauntlet, and it appears pretty charred. It almost looks like the glove is burnt onto Thanos's hand, which is an appropriate physical reminder of the wreckage he's wrought.

Steve Is at His Wits' End

Ignoring the fact that Steve felt it was necessary to shave his glorious beard when dealing with half the population being wiped off the planet, it still hurts to see Captain America in pain. The original Avenger is obviously having a hard time coping with this new reality, and we have a feeling that this is the last straw for the Brooklyn-born soldier. At this point, he really has lost everyone close to him — Peggy, Bucky, Sam — even Tony! Considering we know this is Chris Evans's last Marvel movie [10], we have to wonder exactly how Steve will hang up his tights [11]. We're pretty sure it's going to be devastating.

Shuri Is Presumed Missing

The last time we see the princess of Wakanda, she's being interrupted in the middle of remapping the neural links between Vision and the Mind Stone. We don't get to see what happens to Shuri after she's attacked by Proxima's forces, but the remaining Avengers presume she's been snapped away. We're crossing our fingers that the Avengers left before Shuri was secreted away somewhere in Wakanda with M'Baku, Ramonda, and Okoye. Her genius will definitely be needed [12], especially with Tony in space and T'Challa . . . you know [13].

Thor Is Definitely in His Feelings

To be fair, the guy was this close to killing Thanos and still didn't make the cut. He's lost all his family and half of his kingdom, and he kind of screwed up the last shot at properly killing Thanos (he wasn't the only one [14], so it's totally not his fault). It checks out that Thor seems pretty beat up, both emotionally and physically. He tells Rocket in Infinity War that he has nothing else to lose, but we all know that's a lie. Regardless, we have faith that Thor will be coming out of Endgame with a brighter future ahead of him. Whether or not that's with his precious baby brother [15], he has a kingdom to rebuild [16] (hopefully in a sequel to Thor: Ragnarok).

The Captain Is Back in His Old Suit

While Steve may have ditched the beard, he seems to have returned to his suit from a couple of films ago. The last time we see him in this version of his costume is in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. What's with the costume change? Was that the only suit they had in the Avengers Compound? Or does the return to his old suit play a part in the plan he and Black Widow talk about in the trailer? Considering most of the theories surrounding Endgame involve time travel [17], it's not crazy to wonder if the good captain is dressing the part to fit in while playing around in the timeline.

Hawkeye Is Sporting a New Look

Did you notice Clint Barton is back? The archer has returned from his absence in Infinity War — Steve explains that Clint cut a deal with the government, allowing him to return to his family — and he's sporting some new digs. Comic fans will recognize the costume of Ronin, the persona Barton adopts after the House of M storyline in X-Men. Since Wanda, aka Scarlet Witch, hasn't been off creating any alternate realities (that we know of), it's fair to assume that Barton has changed up his look after coming out of retirement again. The archer is also looking considerably more . . . agitated. That could be attributed to the group of people he seemed to have just finished off or the possibility that his wife and kids were among those who disappeared in the snap. If his luck is particularly bad, it's probably both.

Scott Is Back!

Though the Avengers assume Scott is among the missing (the number one reason to hope they're wrong about Shuri!), he turns up alive and well with the van that will never die. As we've discussed before, it's likely that Ant-Man plays a pivotal role in saving the day [18]. The last time we see him is in Ant-Man and the Wasp [19], which ends with Scott getting stuck in the Quantum Realm [20] as Hope and her parents turn to ash on the spot. So, how does he escape the Quantum Realm and wind up at the Avengers' doorstep? We don't want to spoil it too much, but let's just say we have a feeling he'll be working with another captain [21] to make some magic happen.

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