Game of Thrones: What Does Daenerys Know — and Not Know — About Her Family History?

Jun 21 2016 - 9:00pm

As someone who's spent most of her life on the run, separated from her homeland and only exposed to a delusional and power-hungry brother, Game of Thrones [1] dragon queen Daenerys Targaryen is wholly reliant on others for any information about her ancestry. The supposed last living Targaryen [2] has grand plans for her future, but how much does she really know about her own history? In "Battle of the Bastards," Dany learns an unpleasant truth from her adviser, Tyrion Lannister: that her late father, the "Mad King" Aerys, was willing to burn his kingdom (and everyone in it) to maintain his reign.

Over the course of Game of Thrones, Daenerys has learned other bits and pieces about her deceased family. Here's a guide to what she knows — and perhaps more importantly, what she doesn't — about the Targaryens who came before her. The more she talks about burning cities and making her enemies suffer, the more it seems that she's bound to follow in their frightening footsteps [3].

What Daenerys Knows About the Targaryens

What She Doesn't Know (Yet)

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