Westworld's Unearthly Blond Host Looks Entirely Different in Her Other Roles

Apr 30 2018 - 6:35pm

Westworld Season 2 CR: John P. Johnson/HBO
Image Source: HBO [1]

Remember that beautiful blond host who welcomes William to the park in episode two? Well, Westworld's [2] most beautiful greeter is now a series regular [3], and we are totally on board with that. Angela is played by British actress Talulah Riley [4], and you've definitely seen her before. If you're not sure where, don't worry — we've got all the info for you here.

Westworld isn't the only television series in which Riley has had a recurring role. She was cast in a number of popular television series including Doctor Who, Nearly Famous, and both Agatha Christie's Marple and Poirot.

PRIDE AND PREDJUDICE, Talulah Riley, 2005,  Focus Films / Courtesy: Everett Collection
Image Source: Everett Collection [5]

Riley has also appeared in some major feature films. She was in Thor: The Dark World and played middle sister Mary Bennet in Pride and Prejudice (above). Riley also starred in Inception alongside Leonardo DiCaprio [6], the 2016 thriller Submerged, and the 2009 comedy Pirate Radio (below, with Nick Frost).

PIRATE RADIO, (aka THE BOAT THAT ROCKED), from left: Talulah Riley, Nick Frost, 2009. Focus Features/courtesy Everett Collection

Even though she's got some serious acting under her belt, Riley doesn't limit herself to just the big screen. She's also a novelist, and you can read her debut novel, Acts of Love which she published in 2016.

We're looking forward to seeing just how deadly Riley's role will be on this season of Westworld, and you should too.

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