Zootopia Might Be Disney's Next Frozen

Nov 23 2015 - 11:00pm

One of Disney's next big animated projects is Zootopia, and this trailer gives us our first look at the possible next Frozen. In the titular world, civilized mammals like Officer Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin [1]) and the rascally fox Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman [2]) interact with a lazy sloth. Shakira [3], Idris Elba, J.K. Simmons, Nate Torrence, Jenny Slate, Tommy Chong, Octavia Spencer, are all lending their pipes as well. Is it just me, or is Nick is giving you a strong Fantastic Mr. Fox vibe? We should be seeing much more of this before the March 4, 2016, release date, but get your first impression now!

Here's the first teaser!

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