Brace Yourself, Because Luna Blaise Says Manifest Season 3 Is "Dramatic Beyond Belief"

Apr 5 2021 - 11:50am

Manifest [1] has kept us guessing for two seasons now, but it seems like we might get some answers in season three. The latest installment of the NBC show [2] premiered on April 1, and it dove even deeper into the mystery that is flight 828 [3]. After a piece of the plane washes up in Cuba at the end of season two, the passengers slowly start to realize there is far more to their disappearance that they have yet to uncover. Did they really survive a plane crash, or were they actually resurrected? To get to the bottom of the mystery, we chatted with Luna Blaise about what's in store for her character, Olive, and the rest of the Stone family. Spoiler: the 19-year-old actress and new face of UGG's Feel You campaign [4] confirms it's going to be pretty intense. Read ahead for all the details she spilled about Manifest season three.

We're Getting Closer to Finding Out What Happened on Flight 828

Manifest constantly reinvents itself season after season, and this one will be no different. "It's hard to explain [this season] without giving a lot away, but every detail in this season is leading closer to everyone understanding what's happened [on flight 828]," Blaise teased. "The callings are getting stronger. It's very action packed. It's so hard to explain because there's so much that happens that I feel like if I say anything, it's going to give it away."

Angelina Plays a Big Role This Season

In the season three premiere, we're introduced to a new character named Angelina, who was also a passenger on flight 828. At the end of the episode, she is rescued by Michaela and Zeke and goes to stay with the Stone family. While there is still plenty to learn about her character — namely why she appears in the same calling as Michaela, Ben, and Cal — it seems like she'll forge a friendship with Olive.

"She's a very important character. Do not forget about her," Blaise said about Angelina's introduction in the premiere. "She definitely doesn't go away. [She's] someone who I create a very strong bond with this season. It's the one who I have a lot of downfall with this season, a lot of love. That's a crazy story right there with Angelina, and it gets very wild."

Everyone Comes Together Like Never Before

When describing the upcoming season in a few words, Blaise noted that it's "mysterious," "dramatic beyond belief," and "very intense." She also teased that the characters come together in a very unique way this season. "Everyone is united in this season as one family. Everyone comes together for something I cannot say, but everyone is using what skills they've built up from the years of knowing about the callings and the mystery and mythology to their advantage this season."

Olive's Former Love Interest TJ Doesn't Return

While this season has a few new characters in the mix, Olive's former love interest TJ will not be making an appearance. After teasing that the character was leaving to go study in Egypt at the end of season two, Blaise confirmed that we won't see the repercussions of his exit this season. "That's kind of something that even me as Luna, I'm a little confused about," she admitted. "I don't know really what happened there, but there's more characters introduced that I'm involved with this season. But yeah, that was kind of a story left untold with the whole TJ situation."

Olive Is Much More Grounded This Season

After going through a lot of change in season two, Blaise noted that Olive really finds herself this season. "Olive is a lot more mature and grounded and in the way that she wasn't last season," she said. "Last season, she was kind of spiraling and not knowing where she belongs or who her family is. But this season, she's very family-oriented and she's just trying to help as much as she can. She's smarter this season in her decisions and the choices that she makes. A lot of Ben shines in her this season just with cracking down the code and wanting to get straight to business and really putting her educational skills to use."

Even the Cast Don't Know the Ending of Manifest

When it comes to the unfolding mystery about flight 828, it seems like the cast are on the same wild journey as the fans. When I asked Blaise if she knew how the series ends, she confirmed that she's just as in the dark as we are. "No, it's so frustrating, because I want to know so bad," she said. "Everyone wants to know what's going to happen with this show and where it ends. I have no idea, and I really would love to know that information just as much as everyone else."

Guess we'll just have to keep tuning in to find out. Fingers crossed the series gets picked up for another season!

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