Jane the Virgin Ends on a Sweet Note — Here's What Happens to All Your Favorite Characters

The CW

Spoilers for the final episode of Jane the Virgin ahead!

How does the series finale of Jane the Virgin end? With a wedding, of course. Our trusty narrator tells us at the beginning of the episode that's how all telenovelas wrap up, and Jane is no exception. By the time the sun sets on our final glimpse of Jane and Rafael, all of the major characters have reached satisfying conclusions for their arcs, leaving things on a hopeful, bittersweet note. It's kind of wild to think an accidental artificial insemination led us all the way here, huh? Ahead, see where everyone ends up by the time the credits start to roll in "Chapter One Hundred."

What Happens to Jane and Rafael?

The episode kicks off with a final flashback to young Jane as she watches the closing minutes of a telenovela with Xo and Alba and complains about the fact it's over. "Our Jane never loved endings," the narrator cuts in. "And yet here she was, facing a doozy." The doozy in question is the fact that Xo and Rogelio reveal to Jane that they're moving to New York for the filming of This Is Mars, giving Jane a mild heart attack. Fortunately, she has something else on her mind: figuring out a way to spend her insanely big book advance, and her and Raf's wedding!

But before they can tie the knot, they experience a few more hurdles. For one, Luisa tracks down Rafael's birth parents, and they turn out to be . . . just a regular couple who owned a bakery in Italy but who sadly passed away years earlier. Raf is sad but easily puts aside any disappointment he has since he has a big family of his own now: Jane, Mateo, Petra, Anna, and Elsa (and everyone else, obviously). The second hurdle is the fact that Raf gets arrested hours before their wedding. Yep.

In typical Jane fashion, she has a last-minute idea for the end of her book that causes everything to come down to the wire. Rafael races to the publishers to have them reprint it in time for his bride and in the process ends up getting busted by the cops for purposefully crashing into a toll's boom barrier. Because of the marathon going on, Jane can't get an Uber to retrieve him from the police station and instead bribes a bus driver $10,000 to skip the rest of his stops and take her straight there. They pick up Raf, swing by to get the rest of the family, and then they all get ready in the back of the public bus. Jane, glowing and gorgeous, declares that she "couldn't be more ready" to get married. Aww!

Finally — FINALLY! — Jane Gloriana Villanueva and Rafael Solano tie the freakin' knot! Their officiant is Alba, who can barely contain her laughter and happy tears as Jane and Raf keep kissing before they're actually supposed to. This includes before their written vows, which they end up exchanging instead of reading aloud because neither of them can stop crying (it's perfect). Then Alba tells Rafael that he can "resume kissing the bride" as white petals float down all around them, and it's official!

The last shot of the series is Jane wrapped in Raf's arms as they find a quiet place away from the reception, watching the gorgeous Miami sunset together. He asks her what happens at the end of her book (aka the big change that he got arrested for), and she says, "They make it into a telenovela." He jokes, "Well who'd want to watch that?," before Jane looks straight into the camera and gives the audience a knowing wink and smile. Fin.

What Happens to Xo and Rogelio?

Although Xo agrees to move up north for Rogelio's sake, she spends most of the series finale struggling to come to terms with her choice. Seeing how sad her grandson is nearly convinces her to be in a long-distance relationship with Rogelio, coupled with the fact she's just gotten into the groove of her nursing program. But in the end, thanks to support from Jane and Alba, she knows she can't be apart from her husband and she needs to take a risk in a new place.

As for Rogelio, he finally succeeds in breaking through to American audiences after the pilot for This Is Mars is released ahead of the premiere. Not only does he gain millions of Twitter followers overnight, but new fans even recognize him on the street. It's what he's always wanted! The cherry on top is the fact that he and Rafael truly bond when, during the wedding ceremony, Raf calls him "Dad."

What Happens to Mateo?

The long-running mystery identity of the narrator is solved! Up until now he's been referred to as the "Latin Lover Narrator," and there was a compelling theory that he could be Alba's late husband and Jane's grandfather, the OG Mateo, looking down on everyone. But now we know his true identity: a grown-up Mateo!

During the wedding ceremony, Mateo, Anna, and Elsa get up to give a sweet reading about love. When it's Mateo's turn, he takes one look at his paternal grandmother (aka Rogelio's mom aka Queen Rita Moreno) and screams out, "LOVE LETS YOU BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE!" As everyone laughs, he turns to Jane and says, "I practiced with Great Glam-ma; she said I'd be great at voice-over work."

That's when a dashing, different male voice from the heavens says, "And for the record, I am," then transitions back into the narrator's usual cadence to say, "But I'm getting ahead of myself." So, there you have it! Mateo grows up to be a voice-over actor and narrator. When you consider that Jane's book will likely be turned into a show within the show, it makes total sense that Mateo might be the one to serve as its narrator.

What Happens to Petra?

Oh Petra, how we're going to miss you. While seeing her have financial success — expanding the Marbella brand overseas — is great, it's the fact she gets her own happy ending with JR that makes her story extra sweet.

Following a heartfelt toast at Jane's rehearsal dinner — "I wish you all the happiness in the world, which is a really weird feeling because I don't usually wish happiness on other people" — she is one of the first people at the ceremony the next day since the rest of the wedding party is running late on the bus. That ends up being perfect since she's able to spot JR sneaking into the back.

Petra runs down the aisle and all but leaps into JR's arms, and the pair confess their love for one another and share a passionate kiss. It's a beautiful moment, and no one deserves it more than Petra.

What Happens to Michael?

Before you freak out, no: Michael is not in the finale. But just in case you're wondering how he fits into the last chunk of Jane's story, we should probably discuss.

After Jane discovers that Michael has refused to sign his life rights over to her book publishers in the penultimate episode, "Chapter Ninety-Eight," she gives him a call only to discover that — surprise! — he's actually in Miami. And he has something he wants to talk to her about. Immediately, Jane fears the worst, scared that he'll try to win her back yet again. But when she gets to the diner to meet up with him, he reveals the real reason he's been hesitant to sign: he's going to be a dad!

He and Charlie (yes, the mean ranch owner from Montana) are getting married, and she's pregnant with his child. Since they value their privacy, they didn't want to risk Jane's book blowing up and bringing them into some media circus. Although she's initially shocked, Jane begs Charlie and Michael to reconsider, telling them that it's her life's work. Luckily, they relent, and Jane and Michael wish each other well. Their chapter is officially closed!

What Happens to Alba?

Now that Alba has gotten together with Jorge and guided both Xo and Jane down the right paths, she seems to be more content than ever. In an extremely moving scene, she stands in the living room of the home she's lived in for decades after having a heart-to-heart with her daughter and granddaughter and has multiple flashbacks to everything in her life that led her to this moment: taking a big step by moving to America with her late husband, raising baby Xo in the house, and later helping her raise little Jane. It's a good reminder that while Jane's and Xo's stories have always taken up more airtime, Alba has remained JTV's sturdy center.

Toward the end of the episode, she and Xo help Jane get ready for her big day in the back of the city bus they've commandeered. Once they arrive to the ceremony (just a smidge late, mind you), Alba serves as the officiant at the outdoor ceremony. She even used a shady online service to be able to do it, too! (See how much she's grown?!) Meanwhile, Jorge looks on lovingly in the front row.

What Happens to Luisa?

For just seeing her on-again, off-again crime-lord ex-girlfriend get impaled on a giant spaceship prop in the previous episode, Luisa seems to be doing pretty well. In addition to offering to unite Jane and Raf's "spirits" before the wedding ceremony, she also gives a cheeky speech at their rehearsal dinner that hints at the healed relationship she'll now share with her brother and sister-in-law.

What Happens to Lina?

After Lina and Jane overcome the issue surrounding her eggs — Lina decides to ask her sister, Jackie (aka "the pretty one"), instead — their friendship goes back to normal. And she gets pregnant right away! (She even pukes at the wedding rehearsal, for good measure.) Lina is also the maid of honor at Jane's wedding and gives an adorable speech at dinner the night before about how she's always considered Jane her unofficial fifth sister.

What Happens to Magda?

You didn't think I was going to leave Magda off the list, did you?! Petra's scheming mother gets her own closure (of sorts) when it's revealed she's deported to "somewhere in Siberia." There she reunites with the third triplet — yes, there were three! — who turns out to be a boy. Apparently, Petra has had a brother, Pytor, all this time. (As the narrator says, it's a twist "straight out of a telenovela.")

What Happens to Baby, Esteban, and Darci?

As for Baby, Esteban, and Darci? They're all headed up to New York, too! Rogelio initially approaches Darci about making the big move in "Chapter Ninety-Eight" so that he can still be a part of Baby's childhood while filming This Is Mars, and she's unexpectedly game; she is from New York, after all. But, as she explains, Esteban loves Miami (and its pizza?!) and refuses to leave now that he's quit acting and become a yoga guru.

In an effort to sway him to move, Rogelio offers to cast Esteban as the villain in his show, which is when it's revealed that was Esteban and Darci's plan all along — they merely pretended he hated New York so Ro would sweeten the deal! Baby is going to grow up to be one hell of a scam artist. (But at least she'll be by her father as she does it!)

In the finale, we only briefly see them as they gather at Jane and Rafael's wedding to help celebrate and hop into some incredibly cute group shots. We'll miss this big, weird family, that's for sure.

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