Apparently the Only Thing My Brain Now Wants to Focus On Is Robert Pattinson's Emo Batman

Was I thrilled about yet another Batman movie? Absolutely not . . . but then I saw the trailer for Matt Reeves's The Batman. Since the trailer dropped during DC's Fandome, my brain has been consumed with images of Robert Pattinson's smokey eyes and swoopy haircut. I'm not the only one that's freaking out over his look — it's practically taken over the internet! And like any good thing that lives on the internet, it's hard not to compare Pattinson's emo vibes to some other choice gems. Below are just a few comparisons I simply can't get over.

  • Peter Parker after he gets taken over by a symbiote in Spider-Man 3
  • Pete Wentz in Fall Out Boy's "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" music video
  • When you asleep with your makeup on
  • You after watching The Notebook for the first time
  • The boy you had a crush on during your seventh-grade punk phase
  • You after the boy from your seventh-grade punk phase broke up with you
  • The sleep paralysis demon at the end of your bed
  • Sebastian Stan as the Winter Soldier
  • Janice Ian from Mean Girls
  • When you forget you have makeup on and rub your eyes
  • When you forget your makeup isn't waterproof and go swimming
  • Cate Blanchett as Hela in Thor: Ragnarok
  • Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance
  • Someone who definitely listens to My Chemical Romance
  • When you can't seem to get the winged liner right
  • When you decided you were going to be Effie from Skins for Halloween
  • Taylor Swift while writing Reputation
  • You listening to Reputation
  • When you decide to put makeup on for the first time during quarantine

If you don't fully agree with my list, you can watch the trailer below to make some comparisons for yourself.

click to play video