43 of the Most Memorable First Kisses on TV

Everett Collection

Is there anything that feels quite as satisfying as that moment when those TV characters you love finally (finally!) kiss? One of the great joys of watching TV is getting invested in the love lives of these fictional characters, having strong opinions on who belongs together (and who doesn't), and feeling that sense of joy when they finally get together.

Whether we wait six episodes or six seasons for it, that first kiss is often a defining moment for any TV couple, which is why so many of these kisses have become such memorable pop culture moments. Because we can never celebrate our favorite couples too much, we're taking a look back at some of the best first kisses in TV history. From iconic moments from decades past to the buzzy shows making headlines this year, these TV couples make the most of their long-awaited first-kiss moments.

Rachel and Ross First Kiss

OK, so Ross and longtime crush Rachel technically do brush lips in a season one episode, but the real first kiss between the iconic "Friends" couple comes a season later. After getting their signals crossed so many times, Ross and Rachel argue and almost let the moment slip by them again — until Ross comes back into the coffee shop to sweep Rachel into a real kiss.

Season 2, episode 7

Nick and Jess First Kiss

In the pantheon of TV first kisses, the first smooch between this "New Girl" will-they-won't-they pair has to be near the top of the list. After two seasons of slowly growing romantic tension, Nick and Jess refuse to kiss for the entertainment of their friends, but when alone in the apartment, Nick shocks Jess with one very intense kiss that she eagerly reciprocates.

Season 2, episode 15

Jim and Pam First Kiss

Jim and Pam of "The Office" are one of the ships of the 2000s, and their connection is evident from the very beginning. When Jim finally confesses his feelings to Pam in the season two finale, it's exactly what fans had been rooting for, but it isn't all smooth sailing ahead just yet.

Season 2, episode 22

Danny and Mindy First Kiss

At the start of "The Mindy Project," it doesn't't seem like frenemies Mindy and Danny would ever stop bickering long enough to form a romantic connection. Luckily for them — and for all of us — a turbulent plane ride turns out to be just the push they need to act on the spark between them.

Season 2, episode 14

Willow and Tara First Kiss

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" gives us plenty of memorable ships, including the romance between witches Willow and Tara. The couple's relationship is hinted at since season four, but it isn't until the devastating season five episode "The Body" that their tender first kiss is shown on screen.

Season 5, episode 16

Damon and Elena First Kiss

From the beginning of "The Vampire Diaries," there's always a spark of something in the bickering, occasionally antagonistic interactions between human teenager Elena and bad-boy vampire Damon. It isn't until midway through season three, however, in a moment of high emotions for both of them that Damon throws caution to the wind and kisses Elena for real.

Season 3, episode 10

Lorelai and Luke First Kiss

Through four seasons of other love interests, engagements, weddings, and divorces, fans always know that Luke and Lorelai are the romantic soulmates of "Gilmore Girls." After one more incredibly frustrating misunderstanding, it almost seems like their tentative flirtation would be over before it even starts. Instead, Luke takes charge and gives Lorelai the kiss we've all been waiting for.

Season 4, episode 22

Pacey and Joey First Kiss

When "Dawson's Creek" first starts, it seems obvious that the show is aiming to pair up childhood BFFs Dawson and Joey. Over the first few seasons, though, it becomes clear that there's a noticeable connection brewing between Joey and Pacey instead, as their bickering starts to sound more like flirting. It takes nearly three full seasons, but when Pacey points out the obvious romance of their relationship and finally kisses her, it feels like it was always supposed to be them

Season 3, episode 17

David and Patrick First Kiss

There's something so magical about an opposites-attract pairing like the one that became the central romance of "Schitt's Creek." Even-headed, buttoned-up Patrick finds chaotic, creative David amusing in their first few business-related interactions. After half a season of thinly veiled flirting, Patrick gets up the nerve to ask David on a date, and David makes it even better by planting a kiss on Patrick at the end of the night.

Season 3, episode 13

Logan and Veronica First Kiss

Logan and Veronica don't seem to even like each other very much when they first cross paths on "Veronica Mars." A few investigations and shared vulnerable moments later, though, the attraction between them starts to shine through. When Veronica finally gives Logan a tentative kiss, he responds with a second kiss that proves to all of us that this is, in fact, an "epic" love story in the making.

Season 1, episode 18

Buffy and Spike First Kiss

Regardless of where you fall on the Team Angel vs. Team Spike debate, it's hard to argue that Buffy and Spike's first kiss isn't one of the all-time TV greats. Set at the end of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"'s famed musical episode, the former enemies turned allies finish the episode with an Old Hollywood-style kiss complete with epic music.

Season 6, episode 7

Rory and Jess First Kiss

We can debate all day long about which of Rory's boyfriends on "Gilmore Girls" is really her best match, but when it comes to first kisses, it's hard to argue with the Rory/Jess pairing. A full season of bickering friendship and high drama all lead up to this moment when Rory, surprised to see Jess returned to town, impulsively kisses him — before running away in a most Gilmore way.

Season 2, episode 22

Clarke and Lexa First Kiss

Who doesn't love a good enemies-to-lovers romance? That's exactly what happened on "The 100" when the tension between faction leaders Clarke and Lexa takes a turn for the romantic partway through season two. After agreeing that life should be "about more than just surviving," Lexa goes for it with their first kiss. Although their romance isn't meant to last forever, it's definitely a memorable one!

Season 2, episode 14

Josh and Donna First Kiss

You think your favorite ship has a slow burn? Try being a fan of "The West Wing" power duo Josh and Donna, whose indelible connection is clear from the very first episode but took nearly seven seasons to admit. Upon getting some unexpectedly fantastic poll results during a presidential campaign, Josh impulsively kisses Donna once in celebration — and then again, with clearly romantic intent this time.

Season 7, episode 13

Kurt and Blaine First Kiss

Of all the many (many) romances on "Glee" throughout the series, the couple with the best first kiss absolutely have to be Kurt and Blaine. Sharing a tender emotional moment, Blaine finally admits that he just wants to spend more time with Kurt. When they finally kiss, it's what fans had been waiting for since that memorable "Teenage Dream" introduction.

Season 2, episode 16

Zoey and Max First Kiss

Most of the first season of "Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist" sees Zoey in a love triangle between work crush Simon and BFF Max. In the super-emotional season finale, Zoey finally realizes that Max has been there all along and plants a kiss on him, only for more complications to make their budding romance a bit of a challenge.

Season 1, episode 12

Sam and Diane First Kiss

It's the kiss that everyone has seen, or at least seen a parody of. Bar coworkers Sam and Diane spend the entire first season of "Cheers" bickering, but anyone could see that there's more than one kind of tension between them. In the season finale, yet another argument turns into them getting closer and closer into each other's space before admitting that their arguing is basically foreplay — and promptly locking lips.

Season 1, episode 22

Chidi and Eleanor First Kiss

They might have believed they were destined to be soulmates, but the connection between Chidi and Eleanor on "The Good Place" never had to be this good. After two seasons of battling literal demons and growing as people, Chidi finally makes a decisive choice: laying a kiss on Eleanor as their eternal fates hang in the balance. As Eleanor says, "Hot diggity dog!"

Season 2, episode 13

Oliver and Felicity First Kiss

More than a few near-misses precede the "real" first kiss between "Arrow"'s Oliver and Felicity. After their attempt at going on a real first date is thwarted by the arrival of yet another threat, Oliver tries to pull away from Felicity for her own safety — but not before confessing he loves her and giving her a heartbreaking first kiss.

Season 3, episode 1

Ben and Leslie First Kiss

Ben and Leslie have become one of the great sitcom couples of all time, so it's no surprise that the first kiss between the "Parks and Recreation" pair is one of the all-time greats, too. What starts out as a casual exchange over some paperwork takes a turn when Ben finally decides to stop ignoring his feelings, takes Leslie's face in his hands, and kisses her, regardless of what might come next.

Season 3, episode 14

Booth and Bones First Kiss

What better situation for a will-they-won't-they couple to wind up in than under the mistletoe? The crime-solving duo at the center of "Bones" spends three seasons with the kind of romantic tension that literally everyone around them could see. In a way, it's no surprise they find themselves stuck under the mistletoe for a first kiss that could be brushed off — but also secretly means something to them.

Season 3, episode 9

Mulder and Scully First Kiss

The sci-fi crime-solving partners of "The X-Files" rings in the new millennium with a relationship milestone. For seven seasons, their relationship is always intense and close, but the show refuses to confirm anything romantic. As they watch the ball drop on a TV on New Year's Eve, Mulder leans over, simply kisses Scully, and then jokes, "The world didn't end." He could have been talking about the turn of the millennium and the Y2K scare, but we all know what he really means.

Season 7, episode 4

Matthew and Mary First Kiss

From the moment Matthew and Mary first meet on "Downton Abbey," their romance feels like a matter of when, not if. The "when," as it turns out, is during a quiet dinner after Matthew helps bring Mary's sister Sybil home from a dangerous political rally. Matthew and Mary's usual banter crosses the line into honest feelings, leading to a kiss that has us all saying, "Finally!"

Season 1, episode 6

Callie and Arizona First Kiss

Fresh off of multiple heartbreaks, Callie isn't looking for love when perky peds surgeon Arizona introduces herself in the bathroom at Joe's Bar. After giving Callie a sweet pep talk (and alluding to the fact that the beloved pastime of the entire "Grey's Anatomy" hospital is gossip), Arizona surprises Callie by planting a kiss on her, then walking away.

Season 5, episode 14

Chuck and Sarah First Kiss

Throughout season one of the spy comedy "Chuck," it seems like the crush Chuck nurses on his CIA handler, Sarah, is totally unrequited. When the pair find themselves on a rooftop with a bomb seconds from detonating, it turns out Sarah has been hiding some feelings of her own. Believing they have moments to live, Sarah yanks Chuck into a kiss that he absolutely reciprocates . . . which makes things very awkward when no bomb goes off after all.

Season 1, episode 9

Jackson and April First Kiss

It's tough not to love a friends-to-lovers storyline like Jackson and April's on "Grey's Anatomy." Giddy off a moment of confidence, April impulsively kisses her longtime pal Jackson the night before their medical board exams. It's somehow very sweet and very hot all at the same time, which feels just right for them.

Season 8, episode 21

Fitz and Simmons First Kiss

"Tortured love" doesn't even begin to cover it when it comes to "Marvel's Agents of SHIELD" and the incredibly close relationship between Fitz and Simmons. After defying seemingly impossible odds time and time again, Fitz finally throws caution aside for a brief moment, kissing Simmons and pouring three seasons' worth of complicated emotions into that one moment.

Season 3, episode 8

Daphne and Niles First Kiss

From the very beginning of "Frasier," it's clear that Daphne and Niles are meant to be. When they finally share an epic kiss — after an equally epic romantic declaration from Niles about how much he loves Daphne — it's exactly what fans had been clamoring for.

Season 7, episode 24

Fleabag and Hot Priest First Kiss

Utterly blasphemous and intensely emotional: that's the best way to describe the kiss between Fleabag and Hot Priest. Fleabag pours out her problems in the confessional, only for Hot Priest to tell her to kneel. When he oh-so-slowly comes around to kiss her, it instantly becomes the kind of TV scene we'll be talking about for years to come.

Season 2, episode 4

Syd and Elena First Kiss

Too often, teen TV shows forgo the realistic awkwardness of first love in favor of high-intensity drama. That's what makes the awkward back-and-forth surrounding Syd and Elena's first kiss on "One Day at a Time" so sweet. After accidentally making Syd think she isn't interested anymore, Elena goes out to the fire escape to admit her feelings for them and pull them into a kiss — even with a police helicopter overhead!

Season 2, episode 5

Jamie and Claire First Kiss

Over the years, "Outlander" has gained a very steamy reputation, and it all starts with this wedding episode. Although not technically their first chronologically (they do share a brief kiss at their wedding ceremony), the wedding-night kiss and love scene between Jamie and Claire is the first time we really get to see the scorching-hot chemistry between them in action.

Season 1, episode 7

Hook and Emma First Kiss

On "Once Upon a Time," Emma has plenty of love interests over the first few seasons. The one that sticks, though, is the bickering dynamic she shares with Captain Hook. Their relationship evolves from enemies to allies and even friends, with a simmering undercurrent of attraction the whole time. When Emma kisses Hook to prove a point during a quest in Neverland, that isn't pixie dust flying around them — just sparks.

Season 3, episode 5

Quentin and Eliot First Kiss

The romantic history between Quentin and Eliot on "The Magicians" is beyond complicated, which is what makes it so special when they share a special moment just for them. Trapped in an alternate timeline and centuries in the past, Quentin nervously kisses Eliot one night, and Eliot reciprocates with a much deeper kiss that launches a whole life they'll live together.

Season 3, episode 5

Donna and Harvey First Kiss

The power couple of "Suits" aren't even a couple until eight seasons in, and they don't even share their first onscreen kiss until season seven! After an all-important conversation about love with her friends, Donna realizes that she's been ignoring what she feels for Harvey for too long. When Harvey comes to see her, she shocks him with a kiss, telling him she just has to know what she really feels.

Season 7, episode 10

Sydney and Vaughn First Kiss

There's nothing quite like "event television" to make the perfect circumstances for an epic first kiss! In the post-Super Bowl episode of "Alias," agents Sydney and Vaughn finally let their feelings out in the open with a passionate and long-awaited kiss amidst the rubble of a destroyed organization's headquarters.

Season 2, Episode 13

Lucy and Wyatt First Kiss

Lucy and Wyatt are the high-tension, will-they-won't-they duo of the time-travel drama "Timeless." The attraction between them is obvious — but so are the issues keeping them apart. It makes sense, then, that their first kiss happens not as "them," but while they're undercover on a mission. When they break apart, though, it's very clear that the lines between pretend and real feelings are blurred more than they were expecting.

Season 1, Episode 9

Castle and Beckett First Kiss

The heart of "Castle" is always the bantering, exasperated sexual tension between crime novelist Rick Castle and police detective Kate Beckett. It's not all that surprising, then, that their first kiss actually happens while on a case. Trying to keep a suspect they're tailing from figuring out what they're up to, Castle pulls Beckett into the classic "fake-out make out." The reasons may be fake, but the feelings the kiss stirs up are very real.

Season 3, episode 13

Jake and Amy First Kiss

For the first two seasons of "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," the romantic tension slowly develops between colleagues Jake and Amy despite their very different personalities. After a few "fake" kisses while they're undercover on a mission, a major shift in the dynamics at their precinct leads to Jake finally going in for the real first kiss during a conversation with Amy — and it's absolutely worth the turmoil to get there.

Season 2, episode 23

Peter and Olivia First Kiss

Over the first two seasons of the sci-fi drama "Fringe," Peter and Olivia's connection grows from reluctant allies to a tenuous, tentative romance. When Peter lands in a parallel universe, Olivia goes after him. Her plea for him to come back with her, "because you belong with me," doesn't fix the problems of two universes, but it does lead to a kiss two seasons in the making!

Season 2, episode 22

Rick and Michonne First Kiss

The pairing of Rick and Michonne on "The Walking Dead" might seem surprising to some, but in a way, it's always been the right fit. Their friendship and trusted alliance grow over several seasons, and when they finally cross the line with a drawn-out kiss, that foundation of friendship lends the scene a natural sense of intimacy.

Season 6, episode 10

Ace and Nancy First Kiss

For three seasons, "Nancy Drew" teases the burgeoning feelings between Nancy and Ace with plenty of longing looks and steamy dream sequences. The season three finale finally lets the pair act on their feelings. Their much-anticipated first kiss (and then some) definitely is the stuff of fans' dreams, which is why we should have known all along that there would be a catch this time, too.

Season 3, episode 13

Lenny and Midge First Kiss

Comedy confidants Lenny and Midge aren't meant to be more than friends on "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," but the electrifying chemistry between them turns out to be too much for them (and us) to ignore. There are a few near-misses in previous seasons, but trapped in a hotel room during a blizzard, the pair have nothing to do but trade loaded glances and conversation before finally giving viewers what they wanted with an achingly romantic kiss and love scene.

Season 4, episode 8

Anthony and Kate First Kiss

The second season of "Bridgerton" is all about the maddeningly intense attraction between Anthony and Kate. Despite their mutual loathing turned lusting, Anthony still tries to go through with his promise to marry Edwina only for the wedding to be called off when his real feelings become clear. Left alone in the abandoned chapel, Anthony and Kate bid each other a heartbroken farewell, but not before sharing their searing and passionate first (and, they then believe, only) kiss.

Season 2, episode 6

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