Holy Sh*t, This Bachelor Parody For Moms Is Absolutely Genius

You guys. If you love The Bachelor [1] (and also kind of hate it) like me, then you are about to lose it over this hilarious parody for moms. In the genius video, one mom is going on a journey of self-discovery and faith — and all that other BS the bachelors and bachelorettes go through — in her search to find the perfect sitter [2] on The Babysitter.

From big surprise trips to the park to very important test drives in her minivan, this mom is taking her prospects with her along for the wildest ride — should she fail, she'll be all alone . . . with her kids. Who will get the final sippy cup? Watch the hysterical parody to get a preview.

And be sure to share with all of your Bachelor-loving friends . . . or your mom friends who just can't find one freakin' babysitter who won't cancel last-minute like Sarah M.

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