7 Reasons to Get Your Kids That Dog They've Been Begging You For

Nov 27 2015 - 12:35pm

I grew up with numerous canine "siblings" and brought my own (human) baby home to the biggest four-legged dog around, so my personal bias will always be toward having a dog in the house. If your kids have been begging and pleading for a pup to call their own, and you're on the fence, here are a few strong arguments in defense of the family dog.

Source: Flickr user Sébastien Garnier [1]

They'll learn responsibility.

Whether it's a daily walk, the occasional bath, or regular grooming, doling out some of the responsibility that comes along with pet ownership to the kids can be beneficial to all.

It'll get them outside.

Dogs need physical activity. Kids need physical activity. The fresh air is good for everyone. You do the math!

They'll learn how to appropriately interact with animals from an early age.

When kids grow up around pets, they instinctively learn the right way to approach, touch, and interact with them from the start. This can be tremendously beneficial as they get older and encounter stranger's animals on walks, at playdates, or in the park. It'll also decrease their chances of being bitten or scratched by an animal who feels threatened.

Photo: Lisa Horten

Some dogs have a civic duty.

If he has the right temperament, your dog could be the perfect candidate to be a therapy dog. These specially trained animals go into classrooms, hospitals, and libraries to visit with and soothe individuals (including kids!) to serve a very special purpose.

If your child is old enough, they can be part of this unique experience.

You'll have a built-in babysitter.

You probably shouldn't head out for a night on the town leaving Fido as the responsible party, but dogs have a keen sense of ownership when it comes to "their" kids. If you leave a dog and sleeping baby in a room together, you can almost be certain that the pup will run and get you if she wakes up or cries.

They'll teach your kids a lesson or two (or three).

If your kids are old enough to understand, get them involved in the research and preparation that goes along with adding a canine member to the family. From selecting a shelter or breeder to determining the best type of dog to fit in with your family, there are plenty of lessons to be learned along the way.

They provide constant companionship.

A child with a dog at home will never (or very rarely!) feel alone.

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